Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Most Recent Learnings

Hey again! So, I thought I'd give a little update into my life from the past few weeks and what I've been learning in my classes, as well as about my future (gasp).

So, I suppose I should start with the moments when I was majorly flipping out over preparing for job interviews last week. My roommate, Katie, had been studying up and practicing for some interviews she had last week, and our entire house was helping her study by drilling her with ridiculous questions, and then having a bit of fun critiquing her answers.

But in and amongst the laughter, the seriousness of the approaching interviews began to creep in and under my skin to grab my innards, making my eyes widen with every question I realized I had no clue how to answer. Apparently there is an entire book (literally) on how to conduct your career search, with three full pages of questions to expect from interviewers, found on page 52 of the Carolina Career Resources Manual. Pause to catch breath.

BUT, I have since settled down as I have realized that I have time still, and if the position I apply for is meant to be, then it shouldn't be too overly stressful. But it is good to know that I can prepare with a 4 hour session of grilling from my 5 career search coaches, aka roommates.

We talked even more about interviewing and "selling yourself" to potential employers in the
SPIN Selling Workshop I attended last weekend for my Entrepreneurship minor. Though I may have learned a few things, 8 hours of sales training is not really in my top choices of how to spend my Saturday. At least it was raining, so it didn't spoil a beautiful day- like today!

I have been learning a lot of technical communication skills lately it seems. I have become more proficient with the Joomla web design modules in the last week as I have been creating the new website for Carolina Students of AMF, which you can check out by clicking here. We have our kick-off meeting this week, so hopefully that will go well.

I have also learned about how to produce a radio show on blogtalk radio for my Diversity and Communication class. Two of my classmates and I produced a 1 hour show on College Access for Undocumented Immigrants , which aired online this past sunday. Click the link if you would like to hear it. The show consists of two interviews from opposing sides of the argument, followed my a discussion by me and my classmates. It was a pretty cool experience.

My internship is still going well, I've been working on a communication audit and some fact sheets for Boomerang, and will be working on writing a media release and public service announcement in the next few weeks.

I am writing paper this week on Arab Mass Media and the different types of press systems that have developed due to political influence in 22 different countries in the Middle East. Very interesting topic, I'm sad my busy schedule only allows me to meet the bare minimum requirements for my paper, because I would like to learn more about it.

I have a test in Poverty and Development on Thursday, which I am actually looking forward to studying for. We have most recently been discussing Mothers, Fathers, and family formation in low-income families, in addition to the basics of poverty, such as different ways to measure the povery line. The most up-to-date poverty statistics came out just about a week and a half ago, and can be found here. They are pretty fascinating when you examine the impact of the current economic recession.

I might visit Chicago in October to visit my friends Sara and Aisan, who are both in school in Michigan this year. And then for fall break, I will be participating in an APPLES Service Learning trip to an area near Pembroke, NC which will focus on Environmental Issues. Should be awesome!

Well, gotta run to class. Hope you are all well and I will leave you with this image I took this morning:

Grandma and Baby enjoy fountain on a beautiful Carolina day

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