Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lessons from Davis Library

So, I have often jested about Davis Library being my second home, or even my most "serious relationship" . However, it seems today the building, and specifically the women's restroom on the first floor, has taken on another role: my life coach.

Yes, these past few weeks I have learned valuable lessons from Davis.

I suppose it started with the pine cone incident. Finding the spiky instrument conveniently placed on the top of the empty toilet paper dispenser seemed like nothing more than comic relief at the time. (see: Real Life OB Applications). But the joke of 'real life' Outward Bound applications has rung true in the past weeks as I find myself remembering lessons learned out in the wilderness. I have particularly found myself using some of the communication skills I learned as a leader and a team member in navigation teams, and have applied them to my group projects and with new volunteers for Helping Horse.

But, today. I found profound wisdom once again. After a stacked day of classes, and an even taller cup of coffee, I found myself once again in the Davis first floor restroom. Looking up from the commode, I saw a simple 1x2 inch post-it note on the stall door. Quoted, it said, "IT'S NOT TOO LATE."

I quickly searched my thoughts to find what the innocent yellow piece of paper was referring to. I thought of all my short term goals and then moved on to life ambitions until I realized I was still sitting in the bathroom and quickly becoming that awkward girl that sits in the stall for several minutes as people come in and out, probably because she is embarrassed to have anyone know that she actually uses the bathroom.

So, after washing my hands, I concluded that there was no need to identify what part of my thinking the post-it was reading into, but decided it was simply a note to be taken. To be true, I had been wondering earlier in the day about how I would balance challenging myself in my job for next year and choosing a position that is realistic given my skills and abilities. Some of the choices I have considered, such as teaching, seem to exceed my skill base in many areas. But you know what? It's not too late to learn those skills.

There you go.

Davis Library Lesson #1: OB lessons are applicable to real life.
Davis Library Lesson #2: It's not too late.

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