Thursday, December 10, 2009

Diversity and Communication: Final Blog Assignment

After taking JOMC 441 how has this course shaped your view of the role of diversity in the media including: images, employment, access, coverage.


I would say that after taking JOMC 441, I have thought mostly about the affects that race has on the opportunities minorities have in terms of employment, and the effects that has on societal views of minority groups. I believe this to be the single most important factor we studied this semester because it perpetuates the rest of the issues we discussed.

For example, because diversity is not adequately present in the workplace of most mainstream media sources and resources, the images and coverage of those minority groups also become inadequate. Because of lack of knowledge, experience, or understanding, the inadequacies presented may be detrimental to the perceptions of society. These perceptions persist in the form of stereotypes proliferated by repetitious images in the media.

These images are unlikely to change without confrontation from both minority groups and other members of society. However, in many circumstances, minority groups do not have access to the resources needed to begin these debates, nor the influence needed for cultural lessons be heard.

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