Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hitting the Middle

So this week marks the final week of my first round of midterms. I have my last one this Thursday, in PR Writing. I feel like I've been running around like a mad woman the last few weeks trying to finish a ton of projects, papers, and studying. But, i haven't totally burned out like I probably would have a year ago, thanks to some built in chill times and the healing powers of Guitar Hero for our wii video game system. Yes, I'm turning into a pretty bad ass drummer if i do say so myself. As long as all i have to do is follow small colored circles, that is.

However, I'll admit that I am starting to feel that mid-semester slump where it seems like the work is never going to end! Luckily, I think the next few weekends will help keep my spirits up and offer a bit of a break from the tiring Senior Year schedule. I am extremely excited that I will be visiting two of my best friends- Aisan and Sara- this weekend in Michigan. I only get to see them a few times during the school year, so I am looking forward to catching up and having an enjoyable (though possibly very cold) weekend with them.

I have been working this week on my application for Bike and Build, a program that I hope to be a participant of this summer. I also turned in my reflections this week on Outward Bound to the Carolina Center for Public Service, which is who gave me my scholarship. I was glad to be able to share my experiences and my gratitude with Elaine, one of the directors at the center. I look forward to being a part of selecting the next participants for my scholarship and especially the one in honor Eve Carson, which I recieved. I feel a great responsibility to pass on the "essence" of the scholarship, as Elaine described, and I look forward to doing my best to do just that.

We have our first Students of AMF support group meeting tonight, which I expect will go well. We are having all participants bring in pictures of their loved ones to act as visual aids when they share their stories.

Sadly, Helping Horse has been rained out 2 of the last 3 Mondays, so not much news has come from there.

I have been working on another paper this week on how Arabs are portrayed in the media. This time my group and I are discussing popular American films such as "You Don't mess with the Zohan," an Adam Sandler movie, and "Hidalgo," a Viggo Mortensen drama. The paper has given me the opportunity to explore some comical/ridiculous/interesting portrayals of Arabs and Arab Americans.

Another paper I am researching right now is on the welfare programs of California. So far, my paper is primarily a description and evaluation of CalWORKS, which provides temporary financial assistance and employment focused services to families with minor children who have income and property below State maximum limits for their family size. I feel like I am still learning a lot in my poverty and development class, and hope to get some time to share more about what I am learning in another blog post sometime soon.

Next week is Fall Break, so I will have even more time off! I will be participating in a service trip (focused on environmental issues), which we will spend in the Pembroke area of North Carolina. I'll have to let you all know how that goes when I get back. The weekend after Fall Break is Halloween weekend. My roommates and I are thinking of having a Halloween Party/Gathering at our house since many of our friends from other schools may be visiting. November will hopefully bring about another week at Comfort Zone Camp, a camping weekend with friends, and of course, Thanksgiving!

Okay, until next time. I will leave you with this comic, thanks to Moazzum and

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